Yahaya Michael Bolakale
Isokan our ancestor
Why did u desert us suddenly?
In the snare of our foes
You left us to our captors
Your catheists are our maxims
Day and night we toil at your shrines
Our tongues pronounce your panegyrics
Your heroics are our eulogies
Yet dirge has known our tongues
Here we are before thee
Helpless, naked and needy
Where goes thy face
Your succor is our desire
About the Poet: Yahaya Michael Bolakale is born on the 30th April,
1990,a student of English at the prestigious University of Lagos,
Isokan is a poem originally written when he was in secondary school but
has undergone series of changes as the poet's knowledge advances.... He
has written numerous {yet to be published} poems...
About the
Poem: The poem centres on the consciousness of Nigeria unity which has
been seriously questioned. A lot of vices have left it toils on the unity
of this country. Amongst them are the bad political terrain, corruption,
1966 to 1970 Nigerian civil war, resurgence tribal killings in plateau
state and some other parts of the north and recent terrorism activities
of the sect tagged Boko Haram. Opines that the lost is a very important
thing in unity as in death; we will always mourn forever.
Literary Analysis: The poem is an Ode. It is an address to a subject
which in real sense not physical but assumed to possess the quality of
living (i.e. personified). Isokan meaning unity in Yoruba language is presumed to have died untimely when it matters most. The poet's griefs seriously for the loss considering a lot of challenges this country is
going through at a time when its’ presence would have been greatly felt.
Thus, there are no lips where the song of its absence is not eulogized.
Mostly, people realize this looking at our political terrain. In fact,
it would have been most worthy a solution to some of our problems in
this nation if we have had your presence. So, this is seriously
regrettable upon all your praises on our lips. The poet, in line 1,
addresses Isokan as our ancestor because without it this country would
not have been known as Nigeria. Line 2 rhetorical question shows how not
fair for the lost of the unity at this time in our history.And, the
last line, ‘Your succor is our desire’ points clearly to the fact that
the only way to solve our hardship and distress.
Language and
Style: The language employed is emotional, regretful and pleading. It
seems to the poet to see unity returning from its’ grave as personified.
In fact, the poet makes use of metaphorical expression all through the
lines. Meanwhile, stylistically, the poem is written in one verse with
end rhyme pattern of abcccccccdbef. The rhythm is not really felt.
Though, interestingly, the diction is simple as some of the lines are
personification. Examples are in line 1,4,5,6,7,8,10,12 and 13
respectively. Above all the poem is direct, short, simple, sublime and
easy to understand.
Nostalgia for Unity.
Proud of you!